Everybody In America Should Have To Formally Declare Which Side Of The Giannis "There's No Failure In Sports" Debate They're On By The End Of The Day

Gary Dineen. Getty Images.

By now you have all probably seen this clip at least several dozen times. You've heard Giannis' response to whether or not the Bucks getting bounced in 5 games as the 1-seed should be considered a "failure" enough times at this point that you could probably recite it from heart. We've seen Rico take Giannis' side on the debate. 

And we've seen Reags basically call Rico a giant hypocritical pussy for agreeing with the response. Reags' words, not mine. 

You can't go anywhere on the internet right now without finding yourself in the middle of an argument about whether or not there is "failure" in sports. I'd imagine that most of the talk around the water cooler in offices all across this great land are about the same thing. In a time when we, as a society, are more divided than ever before, Giannis just poured an oil tanker full of grease onto our fire. 

Now here's the thing--I think this could actually end up being a good thing for all of us. Everybody needs to pick a side on this one, and that'll be used to categorize who you are as a human. You know when you're filling out paper work and it asks you to check a box for gender and ethnicity? There needs to be another question for you to check a box on whether you agree with Giannis that there's no failure in sports or not. And that way we all know which people in our lives we need to be avoiding at all costs. 

I don't give a shit about which political party you're affiliated to. For the most part there are plenty of minor social issues that I don't give a shit which side of the debate a person falls on. As long as you're a decent human being who I can enjoy having a couple of drinks with, then you're a-ok in my book. I'll be your friend. I'll be your pal. 

But if you truly believe in your heart of hearts that there is no failure in sports? Well then I simply cannot respect you as a human being. Honestly I don't even think that you should exist. 

If we're going to be completely divided as a society, it should be about something that actually matters. Not some arbitrary nonsense like if you vote democrat or republican. Not some nonsense like if you saw a white/gold dress or a black/blue dress. If we are going to be completely divided as a country, it should be about whether or not you think there is failure in sports. And once we have that all sorted out, we can start to build a better life around those who realize that yeah, maybe losing in 5 games as the 1-seed should be considered at least a little bit of a failure. 


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